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Here are real user comments - Thank you for the support! Nice program. I like it. Cheers, Mike in the united kingdom Your product was exactly what I needed for the job, Heist in Belgium muchas gracias, espero pronto su aprobación de registro y pueda racibir/enviar
from Mike in Veracruz, México Great programme - can you do one to send faxes, too? Robert in Rovaneimi, Finland Sounds like just what I need - a basic fax receive program! Douglas in Brighton, United Kingdom cool stuff!!!!!! Shaun in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA I don't have any coments, yet. Thank you Dubravka in Vojvodina,
Yugoslavia If this works, it's just what I'm looking for! And aptly named, too :) Dave in Grand Rapids, Minnesota, USA A good product but uncommercial name...any way we could change it to, say, to "MAX FAX". TQ for a WONDER-full product. Wan in Kuah, Malaysia Great fax program. Ken in Grand Terrace, California, USA Exactly what I needed! David in Eglin AFB, Florida, USA Keep up the good work !!! Kare in Bergen, Norway Very Nice. Kokping, Selangor, Malaysia Its great program. With a strange user interface (dialogs, select dir. etc). Serge in Oklahoma, IL, USA Program looks good, thanks. Ben in Kihei, Hawaii, USA Thank you for making software less like bloatware. Star of the Sea Church, Surrey, Canada GOOD!. Piero, Roma, Italy Great product - saved me buying winfax! Bruce, Lane Cove, Australia Nice work, congratulations ! Joan, Labutes, Portugal
Exactly what I was looking for! Jerry, Oakville, Washington, USA Glad to see that some of the good things in life are still free Gary, Wentworth Falls, Australia Simple, excellent and FREE Erick, Panama We were looking for a simple fax software for incoming faxes, StupidFax is perfect. Thank you MaxMax. Matt in Mesa, AZ, USA Great program, no more bloated fax'es. It rocks! Adam in Gothenburg, Sweden Great and simple program, exactly what I needed w/o all the heavy hardware of other programs. Edward in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA I just wanted to tell you that you have a great product. I just tried
it today and it worked great! All I wanted to do was receive a fax through
my fax/modem -- not hard, right? I downloaded these other programs and
they wanted to do everything under the sun, and all I wanted was to get a fax. We have been evaluating faxware and this is just what we have been looking for. Now I need something similar for sending faxes. JFAX works fine, but now we need it for the Windows 2000 platform. Thanks for the great and sorely-needed "dumb" fax program. Pretty smart on your part. Timothy in San Jose, Costa Rica I think this is a very neat concept! David, St. Louis, Missouri Your card trick-mind game is great! I am still laughing! The Rat
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